Don’t Miss Out! Top Reviews of Kaplan Real Estate

If you want to become a real estate agent, Kaplan Real Estate Review has you covered. With several years of experience in the industry, this course will prepare you for your state’s licensing exam with comprehensive instruction and helpful review materials. Here are some of the best reviews of Kaplan Real Estate Review online so you can decide if it’s right for your education needs.

Pros of taking this course

  1. You’ll get a comprehensive education on real estate topics.
  2. The course is self-paced, so you can learn at your own pace.
  3. The course is updated regularly, so you’ll always be learning the most up-to-date information.
  4. The customer service is excellent and they’re always willing to help.
  5. The price is reasonable and you can get a discount if you purchase multiple courses at once.

Cons of taking this course

  1. The course is very expensive.
  2. The course is time-consuming.
  3. The course is not very comprehensive.
  4. The course does not offer much in the way of hands-on experience.
  5. The course is not accredited by the National Association of Realtors (NAR). It doesn’t cover topics like: getting a mortgage, property tax, and condo association. There are no discounts for service members or students.

Common questions about the cost

How much does the Kaplan real estate course cost?

The cost of the Kaplan real estate course varies depending on the state in which you wish to take the exam. The cost also increases if you opt for their deluxe package, which includes an online course, a textbook, and access to an online practice exam.

What is included in the price of the Kaplan real estate course?


Common questions about the length

  • How long is the course?
  • The course is 10 weeks long.
  • Is there an online option?
  • No, the course is only offered in person.
  • What are the class hours?
  • Classes are held on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6:00pm to 9:00pm.
  • When does the class start?
  • The next class starts on October 1st.
  • What is the cost of the course?

Common questions about availability

Whether you’re looking to get your real estate license or just want to take a few courses to learn more about the industry, you may be wondering if Kaplan is the right choice for your education. Here’s what we can tell you it depends on how much money you have to spend and how much time you want to dedicate to studying.

Our advice? Consider how much time and money you’re willing to spend, then check out some reviews from people who’ve taken our courses before deciding whether or not it’s right for your education.

My personal experience with Kaplan real estate

I took the Kaplan real estate course and it was a great experience. The course was very comprehensive and covered everything I needed to know to pass the state exam. I would definitely recommend it to anyone considering a career in real estate. If you are looking for an education that is right for your future, then this may not be the one for you.

However, if you need a job right now and want some training on how to do real estate transactions, then take the course. You will learn all about finding properties to buy or sell; negotiating deals; understanding mortgage loans; performing title searches; making offers; managing properties as a landlord or property manager; and much more.

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