The 9 Best Sales Tools For Your Small Business

You’ve built your business and you’re ready to start selling to the general public, so you grab your phone and start dialing potential customers to find out what they need from you and how much they’re willing to pay for it. While phone calls can be useful in certain situations, there are plenty of sales tools out there that will help improve your sales without ever picking up the phone. Here are 9 of the best sales tools available to small businesses.

Smart Calling

If you’re like most small business owners, you wear a lot of hats. You’re the CEO, the CFO, the COO, and maybe even the janitor. But one of the most important hats you have to wear is that of a salesperson. And to be a good salesperson, you need to have good tools. That’s why we’ve created this list of nine great sales tools for your small business: 1) Smart Calling 2) HubSpot CRM 3) ActiveCampaign 4) Olark 5) Acuity Scheduling 6) Calendly 7) ProsperWorks 8) Yesware 9) Skype.

CRM Software

A CRM system helps sales teams keep track of their customers and prospects, and manage their interactions with them. It can also automate repetitive tasks, such as sending out follow-up emails or making appointments. CRM software is an essential tool for small businesses that want to grow their customer base and improve their sales process.

Email Marketing

If you’re not already using email marketing to reach your target market, you’re missing out! Email marketing is one of the most effective sales tools for small businesses. It allows you to reach a large audience with minimal effort and cost. Plus, it’s a great way to build relationships with your customers and keep them updated on your latest products and services.

MailChimp or Aweber?

If you’re starting a small business, you’ll need to find a way to market your products or services. And what better way to do that than through email marketing? But which service should you use? MailChimp or Aweber? You can’t go wrong with either of these tools, but if you have a free account with one and want to switch over to the other, there are some steps you’ll need to take. First, export your contacts from one account and import them into the other.

Marketing Automation Software

  1. Marketing automation software is a tool that can help small businesses automate and streamline their marketing efforts.
  2. By using marketing automation software, businesses can save time and resources by automating tasks such as email marketing, social media campaigns, and targeted ads.
  3. Additionally, marketing automation software can help businesses track leads and measure the results of their marketing campaigns.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Software

CRO software helps you test different versions of your website to see which one performs better in terms of conversion rate. This is important because it can help you increase the number of leads or sales that you get from your website. A/B testing, heat mapping, and user testing are all important features to look for in a CRO software.

Analytics and Tracking Software

You can’t improve your sales strategy without understanding what’s working and what isn’t. That’s where analytics and tracking software comes in. This type of software gives you insights into your customer behavior, such as what pages they visit on your website and how long they stay on each page. By understanding your customers better, you can make changes to your website and sales process that will result in more sales.

Evernote Or Microsoft OneNote?

One of the best things about Evernote is that it’s available on just about every platform, including Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, and even Blackberry. This means that you can take your notes with you wherever you go. Another great thing about Evernote is that it makes it easy to share notes and collaborate with others. OneNote, on the other hand, is a bit more limited.

Google Analytics Training Course + Recordings

  1. Google Analytics is a powerful sales tool that can help you track your website traffic and understand your customer’s behavior.
  2. Our Google Analytics training course will teach you how to set up and interpret your data so that you can make informed decisions about your marketing and sales strategies.
  3. The course includes step-by-step video tutorials and downloadable resources so that you can follow along at your own pace.

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