Tips For Becoming a Tattoo Artist and Jump Starting Your Career

You’re one the 85% of people who hate their current job and a career change down a path that better suits your artistic interests is very much needed.

The good news? The journey to becoming a tattoo artist isn’t as complicated as you may think!

In this article, we’ll give you 7 tips and tricks, including using the best tattoo supplies including inks and tattoo machines, that you can use to get your foot in the door! Now then, let’s get started!

1. Practice Drawing Daily

There aren’t many things that you can do for your tattoo career that are more beneficial than practicing drawing on a routine basis.

Not only are you bettering yourself when you practice, as well as mastering your craft, but you’re also building the confidence you need to make it in the industry.

So, set aside at least an hour each day to draw. Keep all of your drawings, too, so you can track your progress.

2. Search for Career Tips Online

The internet is jam-packed with tons of free information on any subject. It’s not hard to find tons of videos, and even some message boards, with tips on how to become a tattoo artist online.

3. Get Certified and Licensed

Before anyone will let you tattoo someone (legally), you’re going to need to get licensed and certified. What you need to do in order to be licensed and certified varies by state, so we recommend contacting a local tattoo shop for more information.

4. Apply for an Apprenticeship

While you’re on the phone with some of your local tattoo shops, ask about getting an apprenticeship.

It’s not hard to find a shop that will take you in, even before you’re certified and licensed, allowing you to be around the business quickly.

Also, if you work hard, you could turn your apprenticeship into a full-time gig when you’re ready to do so.

5. Invest in Your Craft

To piggyback off of those last two points, it’s important to note that in order to be a successful professional tattoo artist, you’re going to need to invest in your craft. That means both time and money will need to be spent on tattooing in order to make your dream job a reality.

6. Start a Portfolio

Once you start tattooing people, be sure to take plenty of photos of your work so you can build a portfolio.

Remember, your past work is your biggest form of advertising. So good, quality photos are a must if you want to gain new customers.

Also, use some of your drawings to build your portfolio, too. That way you can build up your portfolio faster, as well as showcase what kind of art style you do best.

7. Network With People

Last but not least, it’s important that you network with people in your industry, especially early on in your career. Not only is this a great way to learn new information, but it can also help you advance in your career and land more work.

Becoming a Tattoo Artist: A 7-Step Guide

Well, there you have it! That is a 7-step guide on becoming a tattoo artist. So, as long as you follow these tips and tricks, and work hard, you should be able to make a career out of tattooing in no time.

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