How to Train New Employees in 5 Easy Steps

Training new employees might seem like an easy job, but it’s actually quite difficult to maintain the high standards of your company while also making sure that your new hires are doing their jobs as well as they can be. Here are five essential steps you can take to ensure that you’re doing everything possible to train new employees so that they can excel in their roles in the future.

Step 1. Schedule a First Meeting

Schedule the first meeting with your new hire at their earliest convenience to go over any paperwork that might be required, and to take care of any necessary HR stuff.

It’s important for the two of you to have some uninterrupted time together before jumping into training. This is your chance to make a great impression on your new hire and build rapport from the start. A well-thought-out questionnaire beforehand can help things run more smoothly. Questions should include: Why did you apply for this position? and What do you know about our company?

Step 2. Talk About the Job

In this section, you should be as detailed as possible about the duties, hours, and expectations of the position. Here is a list of what you can cover:

*Duties- state the basic tasks this employee will be doing.

*Hours- Be sure to specify working hours, including times that are not normal for most people.

*Skills – mention skills necessary for this position. Make sure you provide details on what level of experience is needed for the role and how much experience they should have if they do have any.

Step 3. Set Goals and Deadlines for Learning

Set Goals and Deadlines for Learning: Now that you know what skills the new hire should have, determine how long it will take for the person to be ready for duty. We recommend at least one week before expecting a new employee to start working, depending on their background and experience. It’s important that they are trained properly so they can understand how everything works in your company. It’ll also give you time to teach them about specific workplace policies, like what information is shared on social media, when passwords are updated, and whether employees are able to take outside jobs. As far as goals go, set weekly objectives with deadlines that align with their timeline expectations of progress. For example, you’ll need four hours of training today before you leave work.

Step 4. Create a Game Plan

1. Set goals for the next evaluation period and provide guidance for what the employee should focus on until the next evaluation.
2. Discuss how you want to review their performance when they come back, including when and where you plan on meeting with them.

3. Set a date/time frame for when you’ll do your first follow-up review (within one month).
4. After this meeting is finished, end with a discussion about whether or not they feel they are improving (to gauge their morale).

Step 5. Evaluate Performance

Evaluate their performance. You need to do this at least every quarter, but you should do it as frequently as possible. Let your new hires know when they’re doing a good job, perhaps even recognizing exceptional achievements with glass awards, and let them know when they aren’t meeting expectations, too. Provide constructive criticism on areas that need improvement – don’t wait for the employee to figure out what’s wrong on their own! By providing ongoing feedback, you can help your employee identify how he or she needs more training.

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